We work and partner with organisations to help them scale their positive impact and cultural relevance, using futures as tools for collective imagination and better decision-making.
WeTransfer · BBC · Tate · NESTA · SPACE10 · University of Arts London · Red Bull · Mobile World Capital Foundation · ELISAVA · Open Knowledge Foundation
Client: WeTransfer (NL)
Strategic design of WeTransfer's Supporting Act Foundation
In 2021 WeTransfer commissioned IAM a research-driven design of a new philanthropic initiative that aims to support emerging artists from underrepresented and marginalized groups. We are now proud strategic partners advising their grant programs, approach and impact framework.
Client: NESTA (UK)
NGI Summit 2021
We co-produced the NGI Policy Summit for NESTA, which brought together some of the world’s leading internet researchers, policymakers and changemakers to discuss their bold visions for the future of the internet in a series of fireside chats now available to watch on-demand.
Partner: Centre for Investigative Journalism (UK)
IAM x CIJ: Open Lab
The Open Lab is a new initiative from The Centre for Investigative Journalism developed in collaboration with IAM that brings together a range of experiments at the intersection of journalism and the arts, including commissions and the Creative Investigations Database.
Client: Mobile World Capital Foundation (ES)
Strategic design of the Digital Future Society programme
The Mobile World Capital Foundation trusted us the strategic design of the Digital Future Society programme, including its strategic vision, governance structure and research agenda for a think tank, a social innovation lab and futures council.
Partner: University of Arts London (UK)
IAM x UAL Futures Studio 2030
We developed a multi-year partnership with UAL to co-create an experimental learning and critical thinking program around the relationship of young people with technologies. In close collaboration with UAL’s staff, we designed and tested participatory methodologies, and led several workshops for three editions on utopias, feminism and planetary goals for 2030, engaging over 60 students and a broad network of industry mentors.
Partner: BBC (UK)
IAM x BBC: How to fix the internet
We developed a creative partnership with BBC’s R&D and Audience development leaders, inviting a group of artists, independent journalists, speculative designers, art critics, strategists and BBC staff to work together during 1,5 days on how the BBC can empower and learn from individuals and collectives to make more and better conscious intentional choices about their lives through digital media.
Partner: Tate (UK)
IAM x Tate: random co-jams
In close collaboration with Tate’s digital team, we designed and facilitated a creative jam inviting a group of emerging artists, creative technologists and young people to reimagine the futures of museums through explorative prototypes.