Our aim is to contribute to a transition from the individualism of a user-centric digital economy to the interdependence of digital ecosystems driven by responsible citizens of Planet Earth.
In other words, collectively learn how to become intercitizens.
In other words, collectively learn how to become intercitizens.
Learn more about our long-term purpose, the Intercitizen Council and how this billion-second long journey started:

A Letter from 2052
The message sent by Lucy Black-Swan & Andres Colmenares, co-founders of BSI, to our founding members with the vision for this lifelong learning initiative as way to remember the future(s).
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Intercitizen Council
Meet the transnational group of specialists and mentors helping us shape our research agenda and co-create a proposal for a Declaration for Intercitizenships.
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The Journey
The story that started from a hypothetical question: What if we imagine a billion in terms of time, life, attention, instead of understanding it only in terms of money?
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