
We are a on a mission to change how the digital economy is changing Everything.


We are a creative research lab that helps citizens and organisations make responsible decisions by using futures as tools to anticipate challenges and opportunities, while exploring the socio-ecological impacts of digital technologies and the internet(s) through collective learning initiatives, partnerships and commissioned projects.


To contribute in creative, collaborative and collective ways to the reimagination of the digital economy into climate-neutral, regenerative and plural ecosystems, encouraging solidarity and critical hope today, tomorrow and during the next billion seconds.

Because 🌍 is Everything.


Master in Design for Responsible AI

In collaboration with Elisava

The Master in Design for Responsible Artificial Intelligence is a part-time and low-residency programme for professionals interested in developing skills in creative research, context analysis, critical thinking and storytelling, and strategic decision-making while investigating the multiple ways in which artificial intelligence systems are impacting our daily lives.

Applications open for 2025-2026
Learn more >

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